Welcome to Anna Solodilova piano studio
Trained according to the classical Russian school of teaching piano Anna always tries to find the best approach that would suit her students’ needs and unique personalities. Anna provides lessons both in English and Russian.
Why piano lessons based on the russian school of Piano Playing?
Structure and Discipline
Russian music education emphasises clear structure and consistency. The goal of using discipline is to help students reach their full potential.
"Structure and Discipline give us freedom"- Andy Fox - American baseball coach
Musical Approach
Piano pieces are meticulously graded and timely introduced. Moreover, even beginner repertoire reflects stories, characters, moods and personalities, which results in the student gaining an appreciation of musical color and characterization and a true sense of musical feeling. “The piano keys are black and white, but they sound like a million colors in your mind” – Maria Cristina Mena – Mexican American writer
Technique and Artistry
Work on technical skills is a corner stone of the “Russian Method”.
“Technique is the ability to translate your ideas into sound through your instrument.” – Bill Evans – American jazz pianist.
Simple and comprehensive
Beginners are introduced to music through songs and words. Singing during piano practice is the key.
Russian pianist Anton Rubinstein kept saying to his pupils - "Try to imitate the sound of the human voice." Strength and lightness of his touch were the results of imitating great singers' voices in his playing.
Folk music
Many pieces of the practice repertoire are drawn from the rich traditions of Russian folk music. “Folk melodies are models of the way in which a musical idea can be expressed with utmost perfection in terms of brevity of form and simplicity of means.” – Bela Bartok – Hungarian composer
Distinguished Teachers and Pianists
The Russian Piano Pedagogy grew under the influence of such remarkable piano teachers and performer as Rachmaninoff, Blumenfeld, Goldenweiser, Nikolaev, Neuhaus, whose students were Horowitz, Shostakovitch, Richter, Gilels…